Relationship Difficulties


The way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected.


What is relationship

It is a connection, association, or involvement. A connection between persons by blood or marriage. An emotional or other connection between people.


What is perfect relationship?

A perfect relationship is one where “You live and let live, understanding is deep, and you respect the other person’s individuality.”Having a Great and not Perfect Relationship. Acceptance of each other as they are with their merits and demerits as well.


Types of relationships

There are many different types of relationships. The four main types of relationships: Family relationships, Friendships, Acquaintanceship and Romantic relationships.

The causes of family conflict

  • Different personalities clashing and disagreements over ways of doing things.
  • Jealousy or fighting between brothers and sisters.
  • Parents arguing.
  • Divorce or separation.
  • New step-parents or step-brothers and sisters.
  • A parent or relative having mental health problems, disabilities or illness.


Types of family conflict

It refers to opposition between the family members, which include verbal, physical, sexual, financial, or psychological.


Common Conflict between Parents and Children

Setting Limits: Setting boundaries or limits  between parents and children can create tension. Though limits are important, it tends to create emotional disconnect in the relationship.

Misunderstanding and misinterpreting each other’s intentions: Children’s lack of respect for their parents, is seen as disobedience and disregard for their feelings and emotions. Parents’ lack of trust in their children due to mistakes and dishonest behavior in the past, they end up criticizing their children in an unhealthy way, often using harsh words against them

Trusting the children: Most teenagers feel their parents need to show more trust and give them more independence, but they also know that parents are mostly just concerned for their safety. Children do not like it when their parents talk about some issues that can cause tensions like: homework, sibling fights, boundaries and trust.


Some common signs of difficulties in a family:

* Communication is minimal and often negative:Lying, cheating, jealousy, disrespect. Verbal abusing by  repeated instances of critical, undermining, blaming, sarcastic or manipulative comments.

*Contempt; Differences in opinions are criticized rather than enjoyed. Inflexibility or unwillingness to compromise on decisions about social activities, chores, moving, and having children.

*Disrespect and Distancing from family: Spending less time together. Being Selfish or self-involvement with your own feelings or needs, without considering your partners concern and support,.including giving unwanted advice, ordering, or withholding money in order to be in control

*Resentment. when someone feels unheard or dismissed: This happens when one partner indicates the relationship is in trouble.and your partner is rarely prepared to listen.

*Feeling of Mistrust and Dishonest: When your partner becomes an always controlling person  which includes: keeping track of where you are and who you hang out with.

*Defensiveness. Meddling by parents. Repeated deference to a friend  over your partner’s objection. Arguments or problems that don’t get resolved end up in raging or name-calling.

*Passive-aggressive behaviour or aggressive behaviour: Includes shoving or even breaking objects A pattern of withholding communication, affection or keeping secrets. This is often a sign of veiled anger.


Common signs of relationship difficulties in children

  • They’re self-centered. They don’t think about your needs or feelings.
  • They emotionally.either overreact, or create drama.
  • They overshare, seek control and lack boundaries.
  • They’re harshly critical.


What is a toxic relationship between mother and daughter?

One common way toxic mothers overstep boundaries with their daughters is by micromanaging their lives. If one’s mother continues to dictate about their child’s appearance, career, or romantic choices, or even meddles in your life long after you’ve reached adulthood, that is a sign of toxicity.



An unhealthy relationship with parents can deeply impact the child over time.

How to be a parent to a child that is different from you, not the child that you wish you had:

Our counseling sessions help you to understand that parenting shouldn’t be based on who you think child should be should be, instead of who they are. Parenting can be tough and exhausting especially if you have a child with ODD or with ADHD. Our sessions help you to manage and get through your activities with  ease.
How not to protect your child from experiencing the pain or consequences of their actions: You understand that for your child to learn from the poor choices they make, they need to face the natural consequences of their choices.
How To Face being Judged, shameful remarks and blame from others: We help you to deal with difficult in your relationship, when your child throws tantrums, yells or disobeys you, behaves annoyingly in public. Others will always judge you-it’s human nature.


How to cope when your child says “I hate you.”: We know how the words”I hate you,” has the power to bring any parent to tears or even anger. It has the ability to paralyse a parent especially during a fight, and that is the tactic children use to get what they want. We help you, as to how not to personalize your child’s behavior and how to respond during these moments.

How and When To Let Go of your child: You learn that a natural part of adolescence is- taking risks and ends up in breaking of rules set by the parents and inappropriate behavior by the child. You understand through the sessions that it becomes extremely important as a parent to be able to disconnect from your emotional response to their behavior. Some of our emotional responses  are feeling guilty, embarrassed, ashamed, or disappointed, when we pull back from our children to give them space to play the game of life.We need to understand that we will always love our children, but we need to give them the space.



We understand that as a parent it is difficult to figure out what is right. There isn’t a right answer all the time.We need to accept there are choices to make and that choices often come with anxiety It’s difficult for parents to figure out what is right. And the truth is, it’s important to accept that there are choices to make and that choices often come with anxiety.That as parent you are doing the best you can and that you won’t be perfect. Conflict leads to resentment, not resolution.

Write in to us at or contact us at 0471–2339483 (between 10 am to 4 pm) or 9249595768 / 7907113827 (between 10 am to 7 pm).


Anu V.V. 

Qualification : MPhil Clinical Psy
Experience : 8+ years
Charges : Rs. 750 per hour



Qualification : MPhil Clinical Psy
Experience : 2-3 years
Charges : Rs. 750 per hour


Dr. Anupama

Qualification : MD (Psychiatry)
Experience : 1-2 years
Charges : Rs. 900 per hour


Rashmi Ranjan

Qualification : MA Applied Psychology, MPhil (Learning Disabilities)
Experience : 6+ years
Charges : Rs. 750 per hour


Lekshmi Bhaskar

Qualification : MSw, PGD Counselling Psychology
Experience : 20+ years
Charges : Rs. 900 per hour


Dr. Srividhya

Qualification : PHD Psychology
Experience : 26+ years
Charges : Rs. 1000 per hour



Qualification : MPhil Clinical Psychology
Experience : 2 years
Charges : Rs. 750 per hour


Ardhra J.S.

Qualification : MSc. Clinical Psychology
Experience : 3 years
Charges : Rs. 750 per hour



First Floor, Lulu Apartments, Opp. Police Parade Ground, Thycaud, Trivandrum 695014

PHONES +91-471-2339483 Mobile : +91-9249595768 or +917907113827



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